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Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy and Settings
Use of Cookies by Nikko Style Niseko HANAZONO
Nikko Style Niseko HANAZONO uses cookies and other tracers on its website

These tracers may be installed on your device by means of settings that you have indicated or that you have indicated at any time in accordance with this policy.

1. why do we have a cookie policy?
For informational and transparency purposes, Nikko Style Niseko HANAZONO has adopted this policy to inform you of the following details
・The source and purpose of the information processed when you visit the websit
・Your rights regarding cookies and other tracers used by Nikko Style Niseko HANAZONO.

2. What are cookies?
Cookies and other similar tracers are packets of data used by servers. They send status information to the user’s browser, which returns the status information to the origin server via this same browser.

This status information may be a session ID, language, expiration date, response field, or other type of information.
During the lifetime of the cookie, the browser uses the cookie to store status information when the browser accesses various website pages and when the browser later returns to this website.

There are different types of cookies.
・Session cookies are deleted as soon as you close your browser or leave the website.
・Persistent cookies remain on your device until they expire or until you delete them using your browser’s
A persistent cookie remains on your device until it expires or until you delete the cookie using the browser’s functionality.

3. why do we use cookies?
Cookies and other tracers are used primarily for the following purposes
Cookies strictly necessary for browsing the website and for using all its features are used, among other things, for the following purposes
・To manage the authentication of website visitors and related security measures and to ensure that the authentication module functions properly.
・To manage website visitor authentication and related security measures and to ensure that the authentication module functions properly
・To optimize the user experience and facilitate browsing. In particular, it determines the “technical route” of browsing.

Determine the “technical route” of browsing.
Store information about “cookie” information banners (banners that are displayed to consent to the acceptance of cookies) when website visitors view them and continue to browse the website after consenting to accept cookies on their devices.

Implement security measures (e.g., when you are asked to log in again to access content or services after a certain period of time, as well as to ensure basic operation on , to monitor performance and browsing errors, and to monitor user sessions). and browsing error monitoring, and to ensure the use of key technical features such as user session management).

Functional cookies are specifically intended to

To enable  to display web pages based on the display preferences of the device used (language, currency, display resolution, operating system used, device used and its current location) and to enable the use of the web pages in a way that is consistent with the user’s preferences.

Adapt the webpage to your device’s display preferences (language, currency, display resolution, operating system used, webpage organization and display preferences based on the device you are using and its current location, etc.)

Save certain information entered into  (e.g., displaying the visitor’s first name and last name if the visitor has a user account) to facilitate future visits and to tailor the site to the visitor.

To make it easier for visitors to visit our site later, we store certain information they enter on  (e.g., displaying the visitor’s first name and last name if the visitor has a user account).

Visitor tracking cookies are intended to improve user usability by helping us understand user interactions with  (most visited pages, applications used, etc.). These cookies may be used to improve service relevance and usability, aggregate statistical information, and test the way different information is displayed.

Advertising cookies have the following intentions (i) provide relevant, targeted content (e.g., best offers, other destinations) in the ad space that may be of interest to you based on your interests, browsing behavior, preferences, and other factors (ii) Reduce the number of times your ads are displayed.

Affiliate cookies identify third party websites that redirect visitors to .

Social Network Cookie is set by the third party and allows you to share your opinion about  or about its content with your social networks (see Social Networks Share” or ”Like” application buttons).

In some cases, the social network application for  above may allow the relevant social network to identify you without having to click on the application button. This type of button allows the social network to track your  visits because the associated social network account is active (open session) on the device during the visit.

We encourage you to read the policies of these social networks to understand how the information they collect will be used, particularly with respect to advertising. These policies should allow you to make choices about these social networks, especially depending on the settings in each user account.

4. consent

The installation of certain cookies requires your consent. Alternatively, when you first visit , you will be asked if you consent to the installation of this type of cookie, which will only be activated after your consent.

This process is supported by the display of an informational banner on the homepage of . This banner informs you that by continuing to browse, you are considered to have consented to the installation of cookies that require your consent to the device. This consent can be changed at any time using the different methods described in the section “Delete and/or Block Cookies”.

5. delete and/or block cookies

There are several options for deleting cookies and other tracers

Browser Settings

Most browsers are set to accept cookies by default, but you can choose to accept all cookies, or always block cookies, or allow any cookie by source, if desired.

You can also set your browser to allow or block cookies each time before they are installed. Browser settings also allow you to periodically delete cookies from your device. Remember to set this in all browsers for every device you use (tablets, smartphones, computers, etc.).

The management of cookies and preferences varies from browser to browser. This is explained in the Help menu of your browser, along with instructions on how to edit settings related to cookies.


・Microsoft Edge™:

Whether or not to store cookies on your device depends on your preferences. This can be done and changed at any time using the settings provided by the browser software for free.

If the browser is set to accept cookies on your device, cookies embedded in pages or content you view may be temporarily stored in a dedicated space on your device. This can only be read by the publisher.

However, you can set your browser to block cookies; if you do so, some features, pages, and spaces on may not be available, for which we are not responsible. Please note that if you set your browser to block cookies, some features, pages, and spaces on  may not be available and that we are not responsible in this case.

Specialized Advertising Platforms

Some specialized advertising platforms give you the option to allow or block cookies used by member companies. These centralized mechanisms do not block the display of ads. They simply prevent the installation of cookies that tailor advertising to your interests.

For example, the website can be accessed to prevent these cookies from being installed on your device. This website is provided by digital advertising professionals gathered within the European Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) and managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France.

Nikko Style Niseko HANAZONO | Official Website
328-51, Iwaobetsu, Kutchan-cho,
Abuta-gun, Hokkaido
Japan, 044-0082 Phone: +81 136 55 6110

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Nikko Style Niseko
328-51, Iwaobetsu, Kutchan-cho,
Abuta-gun, Hokkaido
Japan, 044-0082
Phone: +81 136 55 6110
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